Cher Lloyd got a lot of Swag

Cher Lloyd got a lot of Swag
"My whole life's changed, I used to sit at home and dream about what I could be doing and how I look on a big stage. To think now that I'm doing this every single day is the best thing I've ever done".

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Cher Lloyd's Brainy Quotes and Inspirational Advices since her X Factor days.

I'm a big Brat, a fan of Cher Lloyd as we say it. I really, really love this cute girl who is very outspoken, very talented and has a lot of swagger. She just gives me a lot of encouragement and inspiration in life. She auditioned on X factor UK back 2010 when she was only 16 and she got through up to the finals. But I think she has a bit more mature out look in life by the way she look at things and the way she reasons out.

Except for her being popular as a popstar, I really like her as a person, her attitude and personality really stands out. Maybe because she allowed people, especially her Brats to connect with her as a person and that's what I like about her.

Here are some of her brainy quotes that I put together.

Enjoy reading them!

"I'm my own person, I'm very, very different to Cheryl (Cole). She's lovely, I'm flattered to be compared but I am my own person and I always will be".

"I think sometimes, it came across as I was just the girl that was placed there because she was different, I feel sorry for myself".

"When you've got a dream, you just don't climb the ladder halfway, you gonna climb it to the top and that's what I intend to do".

"I still picture myself singing to about twenty people and then going to X FACTOR, I find it very, very strange".

"I wanna show that I'm original and I like to put my twist on things. I hope that my risk pays off".

"I wanted to prove to people that I wasn't just a little girl that does a bit of rap".

"The lyric (Pocket full of Dreams) basically explain how someone wants something so bad you have to get to the right places to get it. It's basically the story of me being here today and I actually got the tattoo on my arm with the lion of the lyric from the song (Bolsillo lleno de suenos)".

"Being here, it feels as if I'm in my own little bubble. Months ago, I remember sitting down with my Dad and we were talking about different jobs I could get, working in the shop or supermarket. Although those jobs are fine, I would have never enjoyed myself as much as I am enjoying myself now. This is what I've always wanted and I won't let go".

"This is the most important I ever felt in my life, I feel like a SOMEBODY now".

"It's not gonna be all the drama behind me, no fuss. This is a really big competition. My eyes on the prize. What's the point of being in it if you're not gonna win it?"

"I really look up to Cheryl. I feel as if she could be my big sister. She knows tat I really want this bad just how she wanted it bad when she was seventeen".

"My whole life's changed, I used to sit at home and dream about what I could be doing and how I look on a big stage. To think now that I'm doing this every single day is the best thing I've ever done".

"This competition is really heating up now, and I know where I wanna be. I wanna be selling records, I wanna be doing music videos, I wanna be a recording artist. But, to be able to do that, I need to win this and I'm not let anything get in the way".

"When the judges were deciding, it felt like they were ripping my heart out. I took it really, really hard. I was a wreck backstage, I was shaking, I was crying and it's horrible and I never ever want to go through that again. I need to move on now, I can't going back to feeling sorry for myself".

"Next time I walk into a store like this, I want to pick up my winner single".

"I go out and sing this song like it was completely made for me. I'm not gonna do it the easy way because I never do anything the easy way".

Question: If you could have done anything differently, what would it be?
"I probably would have just relaxed a little bit more. I know sometimes, it looks on camera that I'm really, really relaxed but I sort of hopes to myself up too much and I got really frustrated with myself".

"On that very first day, when I queued up in the thousands, I never expected to get very far".

"I think sometimes make it confuse on what I'm all about because me on stage, I come across maybe sometimes a bit cocky or overconfident, that's just me as a performer. Off stage, I'm just a young girl trying to achieve a dream".

"I'm really ambitious and I'm not just doing this for me, I'm doing it for my whole family".

"No matter who you are, where you come from, if you got a dream, there's no one out there that can stop you from achieving it and that's why I wanna make it. I don't want it to stop".

"Singing to my hometown, it felt so amazing to have that amount of support. I now realize that this is what I wanna do for the rest of my life".

"I may come across as a tough cookie but really am just a little scared girl".

"The paparazzi have been quite weird towards me and fans have been chasing me everywhere, I don't know why, it's probably because I've been on a tele".

"Basically, I went on the X Factor coz I thought it's time for me to get out there. I'm sick of the one being shoved in the corner and now I ain't shoved in the corner anymore, which is really good".

"Everyone's used to me being a bad girl rapper and I'm a twist up a bit and proved to the other people that maybe, haven't liked me as much as my supporters have, to think that I'm actually an ALRIGHT singer".

"Basically, I stay positive because I think if you start thinking about the negative things then that's just gonna bring you down and the people that are saying the negative things, well if you're reacting to it in the way that they want you to, then they're winning and I'm not prepared to let anyone bring me down".

"If I do my best and I do go home, I know that I did my very best, I did myself justice".

"When I was younger, I did take a few singing lessons but the way that I got taught was possibly not the way that I wanted to sing but I do encourage people to go and have as many singing lessons as possible to get yourself even better".

"To control my nerves, I go into a little panic attack mode to be quite honest. I sort to shut myself off from everybody and then take a deep breath but everytime before I go on stage I always think I can't do it and that I'm too nervous to do it. But as soon as the music starts, a little switch turns on and I'm ready for it".

QUESTION: How it would mean and change your life to win the X Factor?
"Basically, it would set a career off for me and I won't have to worry anymore and my family won't have to worry. I'll just be able to enjoy meself all the time coz I'd like to be doing something that I love to do".

"My disadvantage, is I'm an ALRIGHT singer but I ain;t the best and I know that. My advantage is that I'm probably a bit different and I don't think anybody is completely the same as me. Well, it'll be boring if everyone's the same as me".

"My favorite subject is drama. Basically, I loved it because I got to be whoever I wanted to be and if I wanted to run around, I run around. So, it's probably why".

"I will never ever stop singing and I'll never stop fighting either".

"Even if I got knocked down to the very bottom and I was left with nothin' I'd make sure that I climb the ladder 'till I got to the very top".

"I think, if you're that motivated by something and you wanna do somethin' so bad, you just got your head down and you just do it".

"I don't think I learn to rap, I just think it was already there and I just got better".

"What I've learned about myself is that you have to have a very, very thick skin and if someone's got bad to say about you, take it on the chin and hold your head up high as well".

"My favorite performance was me singing STAY, possibly because it was a big come back for me. Because I was just known as a rapper and the girl that could averagely sing. It was just me basically showin' the whole world that I actually have a voice and that I'm no mess around".

"It's really weird to think that a couple of months ago, no one really took notice of me and now I can't even walk to the corner shop to get a pint of milk".

"I think my whole life has changed for the better. I hope that I never have to worry again, that would be cool. Just chill out and make records. That would be the good life".

"I'm trying to think positive because if I think negative I'm gonna drum into my head even more that I am really ill and then I get in there and I fall to pieces. But if I do that I lost my chance and I'm going home".

"I'm standin' in the crowd with thousands of people. I could not even dream bein' here. But, I'm so upset of myself because I always wanna give my very, very best. That's gonna be the hardest thing I ever put meself through".

"I didn't know what was wrong with me and there's nothin' that I can do but just keep that little tiny bit of hope left inside me".

"There's somethin' right here and it tells me that you want it that bad, that you will fight for your place no matter what".

"I was put into this world and people thought, what is she gonna do? What's the one thing that we should give to this child? I got given a voice, nothin' else".

"I think it's better to think about things before you do it and to know that there's people in the audience that didn't do anythin' wrong. So, to spoil it to everyone? I'm not that type of person that would just walk off and not explain myself. So I decided to walk off, compose myself, go back out there and say, well here's the deal, people are throwing things, I'm a bit upset about it but I'm gonna carry on".

"People are kinda sayin', doesn't that make you feel you're not doin' very well? And I'm sort of like, just for the few people in the audience, we all know how the media like to blow it up".

"Of course, I like to go on Twitter to see what my fans are up to, hear about a bit of gossip and sometimes I do come across the odds vile tweets but now I tend to brush it off".

"I am a big country lover, like country artist are very into song writin' and I think that's somethin' that you know I can appreciate it".

"In the UK it started off, they called themselves BRATS, it's because in the day I used to be quite a brat. Stomp my feet...scream. I was a terrible teenager".

"Think about things before you do it and be grateful. When you're so young, everythin' goes on and you're like, whatever, what's next? When I was younger I always thought as soon as I hit eighteen, I got all my mates, you know, I got clubbin' every week or save my cash up to got clubbin'. I've been out about three times and I think unfortunately and fortunately as well I'm just NOT a partier".

"I feel like I learn a lot and it was a massive platform for me and without that show I wouldn't be where I am today".

"I wasn't exactly the way that I wanted to look before and of course you know I came to a new labe in America and I had a boost. It was somethin' that I can't explain but I found the real me".

"It was people believin' in me and one into come along for the trip with me, fully supportin' and lettin' me, be me for once. I was able to do what I wanted to do and dress the way that I wanted to and I haven't been able to do that as much as I wanted to".

"I'm the type of girl that like to be fully in control".

"You know what, I think it's just a good time. I think everyone stop bein' so frightened of comin' over and at least tryin', and they just went for it. I think that's just the best way to do it. As I said before, you know if things didn't go to well for me here (US), for sure I would come back and would try again because as a British folk, we don't give up, we keep comin' until you're completely sick of me".

"He (Craig, Cher's fiancé) was very down to earth. Didn't really care what people thought of him. A bit like me, rough and ready. We enjoy life, I mean what the worse that could happen? I think the main thing in life is to enjoy it. I hate to say it, I'm only nineteen years old but life does flyby. I've seen my grandparents come and go, I've seen relatives come and go and it's like, do you know what, we're gonna live life. He's gonna come with me on my career and we're gonna have a great time".

"The way people spoke about me and to me, sort of made me feel disconnected to everyone else. I felt like I didn't fit in and I wasn't everyone wanted. You know, I wasn't the perfect popstar that people wanted me to be and it made me feel really, really lonely and I didn't know what to do and I didn't wanna tell anyone coz my pride is gettin' in the way and I think that's the problem that most people have when goin' through cyberbullyin'. I think they get so scared to speak out about it".

"Me as person, when I was goin' through that certain time, where I was gettin' all this online abuse, I became completely cut off from everythin'. I didn't wanna go out the house, I didn't want to speak to anyone, I didn't wanna do anything just in case somethin' really bad happen to me. I think, that was probably a really, really dark time for me".

"I always tend to fear for my safety you know, you never know what's gonna happen. It would be nice to get a bit of trust back, you know, to know that people aren't gonna try and hurt me".

"I was sick of cryin', I was sick of sittin' there and thinkin', I hate what I'm doin'. I hate that I've gone on a show and now everyone knows me, I'm public property, and now, there's nothin' I can do, it's my problem and I've got to deal with it and then I realized I don't have to deal with it on my own".

"The message that I've got to people at home is you know, I always try to act the hard person and that was just a front for me and think it's about time now and let people realize that I'm a real person. If I can do it with all these people who want a piece of me, then they can speak out as well".

"If I get a nasty tweet or if someone shout to me in the street or is really disrespectful to me or my family or things like that, I kinda wait until I've gone home, then you shut the door and you can have a cry about it".

"You know what, it disgusts me the fact that online bullyin', like nobody really cares about it. No ones made a big enough impact to stop these people, I mean it's one thing right into me now I'm gettin' stronger with all this stuff. Now I can kinda take it on the chin somethings but there's girls out there and boys out there that can't take that and I'm just really worried about somethin' happenin' to a young person".

"It's kinda strange coz I always think to myself, would these people be big enough and strong enough to come up to me and say these hurtful things, coz I've got an idea that they actually wouldn't. They would never ever say that to my face".

"Thick skinned as they say. I'm only human, some things do hurt and I'm not gonna act like I'm the big hard girl and I can take it all on. I just don't see the point in me actin' like that".

"I had a really okay upbringin', I'm not gonna say it's not really, really good and had everythin' I ever wanted coz I didn't. But I'm makin' up for that now".

"I didn't have a sub story, I just wanted to be me. I think what I brought to the show (X factor) was very different and to look at me you think I would just be a normal average singer. I think I just choose my music very carefully".

"I never find anythin' easy, if I find it easy, I won't do it. It's simple to me. I like a challenge. I love messin' up as well. I just love it when I do somethin' wrong so I can walk away from it and learn. I feel like I've got a lot to learn".

"It's not easy for anyone to go through that sort of thing (cyberbullying) but I feel like every individual has a certain way of dealin' with somethin' and you know the way I dealt with it, was I looked at it, I took it in, I might have a cry about it but then I hate to say it, I got over it coz I have to, coz I'm in the public  eye. See, and the way I dealt with it, there's so many people out there that couldn't do anythin' like that. But the advice that I always give is to tell someone about it and don't sit in the dark and think about it to yourself. It's always good to add someone else to the situation to help you out. Dwelling is not good, I've done that. It's not good".

"I'm speaking on the behalf of people that are actually so stupid to actually want someone that they dump back. Like who does that? I don't know who does that. Because if you dump him, you dump him for a reason. I've never stayed friends with anyone I've ever been with".

"Do you know what makes me laugh that every boyband they do this really weird thing while on stage and all they do is jump and that's it and they just walk around and just jump. What is that?"

"I go through some crazy stages where I change my hair completely".

"I realized that anythin' that I record and it goes out to the world, I'm gonna be performin' those songs for the rest of my career, so I always make sure I love them".

"I'm a very colorful person I like to feel. It's not about lookin' pretty in the video, it's about bein' quirky".

"I was lookin' online the other day and I actually found this horrible website. They're quite mean to me, they did this article about the way that they paused my video and caught some of my funny faces and I just sat back and I thought, what if you did that to anyone's video, it'll be exactly the same. When I perform I do like the craziest faces, I scrunch up".

"It's kinda weird coz that's the only time that I ever lip synch (is only on Music Videos), which is good, I feel".

"Yes I do (get nervous), I mean I'm not perfect and you have to make mistakes to be a better person".

"I'd never ever do anythin' to hurt my fans or make them believe that somethin' that I'm doin' wrong is right. I will always correct myself, I will always apologize but I will always make sure that the music is the number 1 priority".

"There's been many times were I cried myself to sleep. I'm very scared and I've never ever said that because I like to think that people think I'm strong because if they don't they might think I can't do it".

"I think some days I just wish that, people would leave me alone for a little bit. Wish for that to be a  hole to suck me in".

"I was delusional, because as a little girl I thought that I would become a pop star and everyone would love me and I’d have the best life ever. I’m not saying that I don’t have the best life ever but it’s been so tough".

"I think people (bullies and haters) should try to give me a break because I don’t think they understand what they’re doing to me".

"There are old men out there that are writing on my Twitter, saying abusive things. They’ve probably got daughters and how would they feel if their daughter was in my position. They wouldn’t like an old man talking to her like that would they?"

"I don't have one single school friend left. Of course, it's partly my fault but I think people change around you".

"I wanted to be the big famous 'look at me everybody' but now that it's beginning to happen... I don't feel like I have changed but the people around me have".

"Some people find it hard to come to terms with the fact that everyone is different. I think it all boils down to their own insecurities, if you’re unhappy with yourself, you’re going to pick on someone else, and that’s what they’re doing. I feel sorry for them. There are certain lines in the song (Swagger Jagger) that basically explain that, no matter what I do, people won’t stop writing about me and talking about me all the time. I’m still in people’s minds, whether they like me or they hate me".

"I call them my brats because they’re feisty. I don’t even have to open my mouth - they do it for me. I couldn’t do it without them".

"We (Simon Cowell) have a really good relationship. It’s a truthful one. If there’s anything that he doesn’t feel will benefit me or lead me in the right direction, he’ll give me advice. Which is the whole reason I went to the show, for his advice. To see whether I was good enough. He’s like an uncle. Uncle Si!"

"It's just a message to say that, I know a lot of bad things would happen. I've been called very nasty words and stuff like that and it's all in the past now and I've done what I've always wanted to do. It's just final now that I've got somethin' that I can be proud of and to forget all the bad things".

"I don't have a message, like what's the point of wasting of time?"

"Don't pay attention to haters, attention is what they crave for".

"All that you have is your soul".

"I don't believe that I should be loved or liked by everyone. I feel like everyone should have their own opinion on me".

"I believe to make yourself original and to stand out from the rest of the bunch, you need to do somethin' different".

"I will never fit in because I was never meant to".

"I'm singin' because it's the best feelin' in the world".

"They gave me a platform. But always remember that when you're given a platform, you create the rest...they don't create you. You do it yourself".

"I like to take a risk because I feel like that's the kind of person I am".

"No matter what others say, we are all special".

"Women are the real architects of society".

"It's fine to be who you are".

"We're not all blessed with beauty. I've always been a bit of an odd bod".

"If someone tells me I can't do anything, I'll still do it because I actually don't care".

"A girl can wait for the right man to come along, but in the meantime that still doesn't mean she can't have a wonderful time with all the wrong ones".

"You can't live the rest of your life thinkin' 'WHAT IF' ".

"I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me because of the fact that I haven't got any true friends! I am fine the way I am".

"Don't wanna be perceived for somethin' that I'm not. Just wanna get accepted for the little that I got".

"You feel you need to ridicule me, yet you don't know me? And most of it is bullshit, round of applause for those who hurt me".

"I wouldn't wanna change myself for the world".

"In school, I was the quietest girl ever! had a lot of trouble in school. Kids were mean to me".

"I'll always stand by my Gypsy roots and I'll always help out one of my own".

"I had a stinkin' attitude, it was awful".

"That's what I like about my life, everyday is different. I will take anythin' on".

"The most difficult thing for me, from bein' your everyday girl; meetin' my friends, singin' in tiny little places with about ten people in 'em to becomin' almost this person that everyone knows, the hardest part was not bein' that normal girl anymore. I missed that sometimes".

"I couldn't imagine the world without music. I would have nothin' that inspires me or makes me get up in the mornin' and wanna do what I do".

"I feel like, if someone did hear the album (Sticks and Stones), they'd know staright away what's sort of person I was. From the album you can tell I'm feisty and I know what I want and I'm not gonna stop until I get it. There's parts of the album that shows that sweetest side of me that actually I do pull on a front. I do make out that I'm this tough girl but deep down when the door is closed, I'm cryin' because I didn't do somethin' right or didn't say somethin' right. I beat myself up because of it".

"I can put on a song and I can cry to it. I can be on a happy mood, as soon as the song comes on, that's it, I cry and to think that someday there's gonna be someone out there listening to my song, doin' the exact same thing that I did. I'm over the moon with that, that's what I want to happen. Not to  make people cry but to have that same thing that's so connectin' and can make someone so emotional by just one song".

"I try to make sure that every single song that I do can bring up an image in someone's heart. I feel like you wouldn't write a song that doesn't make someone think about something".

"My music is basically a way for me to tell people things about myself, that I'm too scared to say in person and when I get in a studio, I'm able to express that within a song but I do have many different personalities and I don't think that's a bad thing".

"I am my own worst enemy whether the song is a hit or not. I'm the first person to say; I didn't like that bit, I wish I would've done this, that verse should've been different. I always do it but I feel like if I didn't do that then what would be the next record? It's just be somethin' that was thrown about, get a song from here, get a song from there. It is what it is. I just wanna beat everythin' that I do".

"This whole X Factor thing with people assuming I am going to be a one hit wonder, that won't happen with me".

"I don't care about the charts. I just want to make great music that I enjoy performin' on stage and I am proud of".

"I believe someone should be able to dress according to the mood they're in. It shouldn't be forced and you shouldn't have to follow a trend".

"I don't feel like I have to be the nice girl".

"My Dad's my best mate and he always will be".

"I try to make all my songs sound different from each other while doing it in a way that's still me. It's a tricky thing to do".

"When I got that number 1, the next thing I was thinkin' about was the next one and I feel guilty for that because I wasn't experiencing the proudness, the happiness, maybe in grateful to everyone who would bought my song. I would be in greedy. I was thinkin' about the next one and I will never ever do that again".

"I've been taken out of my little normal life into the big massive bright lights but I am not able and I'm scared to have everythin' I 've ever wanted taken away from me and never sing again. My biggest fear ever".

"Yeah, I am bad ass. It feels weird sayin' it because I'm like so small and I wouldn't hurt a fly, yeah I'm bad ass if you like".

"I sing because it makes me happy and I love my fans to pieces, I really do. they can love it. They can hate it. I'm fine with it. I'm singin' because it gives me the best feelin' in the world".

"I don't have a middle name, probably because Cher's a bit of a silly name anyway you can't really put anything with it".

"I tend not to adlib in every line because I think it gets to boring and then it doesn't stand out as mush as it should do".

"For me think when I choose to do my adlibs is when I feel most passionate about a line in a song".

"I've been so busy and its all so hectic but that's the price you've gotta pay to completely smash it on a Saturday and I'm willing to do that".

"I just go mental before I go onstage because I'm super nervous".

"I like My Super Sweet 16 because it gives you a little taste of how the other half live, which is all great for spoilt brats and all that".

"I don't wanna be pushed in the box of the whole Mariah Carey and the Beyonce because that's been done and I wanna move on".

"So I think ok you can take my picture but please don't hurt me. Don't hurt me and you can have my picture".

"I picked Turn My Swag On for my first audition because I thought it would be different".

"I'd normally go for my baggy jeans and my boys t-shirt or a hoody or whatever but I think I'm feeling this yeah I feel godly and glamorous".

"my fear would probably be drowning it wouldn't be very nice to drown or stuck in a box or something like that, you'd hate to be stuck in a box".

"Simon's comment stood out for me, the way he said that all the people that doubted me, they don't need to doubt me anymore".

"I like standing out, in a way that yeah I look different and I definitely sound different".

"I am happy right now and I want other girls to look at me and think, 'nuh she's not perfect. She doesn't wanna be and it's fine to look the way I look now. I want them to think that, that it's fine to be who you are".

"By sayin' I wanna be the princess, I don't wanna be the queen, is literally sayin' yeah I'm okay and I'm not tryin' to be something that I'm not, I'm fine with who I am".

"Beautiful People, that's the one song that means a lot to me when I get to sing it live. I feel like it's natural, like I sing it and people believe me. It's very hard to explain. This is what I tell to people when they want me to explain a song, you have to listen to it and embrace it before you could imagine what it's about. It's sayin' to someone that's so beautiful but you feel like you're not, so you feel like you're on a different planet and you can't even do anythin' to make that person notice you or look at you.

"That song (BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE) may not be even about love, maybe about your day to day experiences with people. Because at the end of the day, people can't say to me that ain't about looks anymore, it is. If you're not amazingly beautiful, people can pick at you. I can't deal with that. So Beautiful People is bein' about, I'm not the most amazing thing ever, you are and you suck everythin' out of me".

"When I see a fan come up to me askin' me for things whatever it'd be but they say, your song has changed me. That is the craziest thing ever. Because I still feel like the same person as I did before. I really don't understand it how somebody like me, could make someone cry or make someone smile. I don't get it".

"I'm the girl that stands in a booth and makes the song, I'm no hero but it's the people that love you and help you. They are the real heroes. That's why my grandmother is my hero".

"Superhero is a fun song and it makes me giggle before I sing it. You are with someone and they are everythin' you ever wanted and then the next day they turn completely somethin' different. You're like, what happened to you? That doesn't even have to be about someone that you love, it could be 'bout anyone. She's this kinda girl and you really, really like her, the next day she changes. Superhero is so real and it does happen".

"I don't know where I'm headin', what I'm doin', where I'm goin' but I have  funny feelin' that it's gonna be alright. Because I feel that if you feel positive about somehin', there's no way that anythin' bad could happen".

"Every single day that passes, I find a little bit more of me which is really good. I haven't made it yet but I feel good of the stuff that I've done so far, I really do".

"What satisfies me, to just have someone come up to me and say 'GOOD JOB'".

"I don't think I'm famous. I just enjoy singing".

"I've done everythin' that I would have like to have done, anthin' else is a bonus".

"It is a very excitin' time for me. I feel like I have become quite settled and don't really want it to stop".

"It's not everyday that someone from a talent contest actually, you know makes waves I suppose. And I 've tried my up most best to keep it goin' and it's been tough, it's been really tough. I've been to so many different countries I can't even list them. But I think my greatest achievement is here in the US".

"I just want this to not end, I think that's the main goal. I think, I am a realist and I feel that I don't set myself huge goals because I'm happy right now. Of course, I would love to be more successful but the main aim is not to let it drift away from me".

"I'm the girl from the UK that came over and hopes of success and then I have my own headline on tour and people actually turn up".

"I do care and it does hurt".

"Bad things happen sometimes, but I can’t always cry about it. Now I do that at the end of the day, I tuck myself away, I have a cry and let it out".

"Hate crimes are the scariest thing in the world because these people really believe what they’re doing is right".

"I might be normal one day. You'll  never know!"

"I don’t know what I’m doing with myself. I’m just walking on a red carpet, Oh my God!"

"She was more of a friend, someone you could talk to if you were just having a bad day".

"I’m not prepared to let anyone let me down".

"Haters, who cares about the haters".

"I could shop for days, but do I have time for it? NO".

"I like skulls. I love anythin' that's ugly but nice",

"I suppose the showcase was to get more people to listen to me sing live especially when you've got a strong team that are really concentrating on you as an artist. It's good for them to see, you know
how I am in different venues around different crowds and we had a lot of fans there as well".

"I always have fans that are there from the beginnin' and then I collect fans along the way. So I think it's just a repeat what happened to me in the UK, which is great".

"It's a bit of a dream but now it's sort of like, this is what I love to do and this is me and my team doing this".

"Do you know what's frustratin' for me with all my songs, like I'll do one and I love it, and then I record another and I'll be like, so much better! I think with me, I always try and beat my last song".

"The reason why I wanted to connect with another artist, it's because it's always great to have a different vibe to a song, although I love the song how it was, I mean there was nothin' wrong with it at all. I'm very proud of it but it's always great when you have another connection, you know, bring someone in and maybe, you know, get a different perspective on it".

"I think there is something so inspiring and quite amazin' for a young artist to go out and be so comfortable in their own skin. There's somethin' so beautiful about that and I am in support of that, I'd like to make that very clear".

"I think not everyone's so comfortable, like me. I have my insecurities, as you can tell on my brand new single and I wish for things. I think a lot of girls wish they had. You know, they wish that they woke up with a bigger pair of boobies and a bigger butt and I'm just bein' honest about it".

"I'm sick of wearin' a push up bra, sick of wearin' it. It weighs a ton but it makes me look like I'm not a boy".

"Writing a book? I'm 19 years old, maybe I'll have to live a little. I've done a lot in my recent years but not enough to be writin' a book about it. Maybe when I'm done with this crazy music thing and I'm bored and I sat at home with my dogs and a couple of kids then I'll write a book".

"I have been through some very dramatic disasters with my clothing, I think if you type my name in on google, I look horrendous, absolutely dreadful. It's about what's findin' comfortable for you as a person. I mean, okay, so you see someone walk down the street in a really tight, tiny little skirt, yeah it looks great but would you feel comfortable in that? You know it's like pickin' and choosing what you feel good in and that's what I tend to do. Sometimes, I look silly, sometimes it looks alright but I don't really care".

"I do love a good burger but it has to be completely plain with just the cheese, the bun and the meat. I don't really like salad and stuff, I mean, who wants to put good stuff in a burger? It's kinda like contradictin' itself, you wouldn't do that".

"I think I'm a bit too young tellin' my life story. This is what happened in 20 years. I was a toddler, I went to school and then I did music and I'm still alive. The end. I think it'll be really cool to put together maybe some like, personal pictures of when I got no make up on and I'm chillin' in my tour bus, you know little notes and let people get to know me a little better but I don't think I can write an autobiography just yet".

"I don't think people like me a lot. No, don't feel sorry for me, I was a B**CH! I was an absolute nightmare because I was young and foolish and I didn't realize that what you do in a moment can affect you later on. So, in that moment, if I was havin' a bad mornin', you know, if coffee didn't taste great, and I make everyone around me feel this horrible atmosphere and I looked back and I think, I'm such an idiot, why did I do that? Why didn't I just go with the flow and enjoy my time and enjoy this experience of having this opportunity to be, if you like to called a POP STAR? Not everyone gets this opportunity, so now, I feel like I opened a new door for myself and I'm now able to appreciate things more".

"I think it's very much part of growin' up, I mean, you can take this for instance, if you are at school and you're messin' around in class and you got your grades back and you failed. You're gonna feel really bad and then, there's not another chance to fix it. But when you do get that chance to fix it, you jump for it and I feel like, that's what I did".

"I don't have a specific favorite track because I was very, very involved in it. I am very proud because I didn't realize I could do it until I had the opportunity to try and do it. I find a new lane of song writin' I very much appreciate and enjoy. It's very empowering to be able to do that".

"I feel like I've learn from the best so, I take my hat off to them, they taught me".

"The advice that I'd give is completely do what you want to do now coz in the long run, I think it's gonna be a bit tricky if you're to change. That's what I know, you know, you need to be yourself, do the type of music that you wanna do now so that when you actually go on from this, you're gonna be able to do all the stuff that you've always wanted to do".

"I did stomp my foot a little bit and I was a bit of a brat but it got me to where I am today".

"I understand as a 20 year old girl, that I have a lot of insecurities, see, this song (I WISH) is about insecurities and I'm gonna let you in to somethin' right now. If I turn to this side or even if I turn this way, I got absolutely no boobies and no butt, nothin'. But, do you know what, I am a happy girl, I am happy with what God gave me! And anyway, they've got padded bras for that sh*t. So for any of you out in that crowd that may have an insecurity and not feel so good a part of your body, then I tell you what listen to this song (I wish), shake that off for a second. Let's enjoy ourselves!"

"I would like people to get to know me as a person and I'd like them to know me before they listen to my music because then, I'm a lot more relatable".

"I'm just as human as everyone else and I believe to be the artist that I wanna be, I need people to know exactly who I am and what I'm about, coz then, when they listen to my music, they'll understand it more".

"Do you know what, what I believe is, I've always been myself and I shouldn't have to adjust myself to please others".

"I'm very involved (with the songs), I mean, I love to write, I love writin' my songs and you know, it's all about experimentin' especially with the first album coz you don't necessarily know exactly what road you wanna take with it".

"My grandmother put me on a table, literally made me stand on the table and my whole family was around, like everyone and she said, sing for everyone. And I'm super nervous and she made me sing titanic and I bolted it out. I remember gettin' down sayin', Nan I actually wanna sing, I wanna be a popstar when I grow up".

"I'm not gonna reinvent myself because I'm... me. And I probably won't reinvent myself but it's good to know that people don't know anythin' about me and I sort of like, HI".

"Do you know what, my fiancé is my biggest fan. He really is. At the moment, to be here in the States is not only important for me but it's important for him as well. He likes to see me succeed and at the moment, my career is just the important thing at the moment. But there's always time, I'm gonna be with him for the rest of my life".

"The reason why I wanted to record a song like this (I WISH), it's because it touches on a subject that is really close to me. I am very open and honest because I feel like, what's the point in pretendin' that I'm a 100% happy with myself when I'm not, coz I'm not. I don't have any boobies, I don't have a bum. I've got no butt whatsoever, so what I tried and do, I'll let you into a secret right now, I double up on pants. I've got another pair of pants underneath these pants, I do. Do you know why? Because I'm skinny and I can't  put weight on. But that's life, you just deal with it, right? I think everyone is different and individual".

"I hate magazines because I looked in them and it depresses me. Why should I have to feel like that?"

"Do you know what, I had a lot of time to reflect on my behavior, see, I have realized that, bein' in this industry (Music Industry), I got toned down a little bit and I was told that I wasn't allowed to do certain things. Do you know what, I don't care anymore, I really don't care. I'm gonna do what I wanna do and if that means people turnin' up their nose to my stinkin' attitude, so be it. But I just wanna feel like I'm bein' a 100% me".

"For a while I thought, I don't want the industry (Music Industry) to churn me up and suck the life out of me. So, I'm gonna be completely honest and that's what I intend to do and whether people like it or not, well that's their decision".

"I found myself there thinkin', why is it that I work so hard yet so tough? And then I thought, am I havin' the most amount of fun that I could possibly be havin in such a difficult time? And the answer to that is, NO, Because I was centering myself and I was doin' things for others. Now, it's time to do things for me as well and be happy of what I am and what I'm doin' and the fact that I don't get to see my family, well I should be havin' a good time at least if I'm not going to see my family".

"The bitcher side of me is back!"

"I don't really like walking down the street (NYC street) and people bump into you and they don't even say Sorry, and I'm very small, a gust of wind blows me over".

"I eat so much it's unbelievable. I literally scuff my face and get away with it".

"That is somethin' I'd be interested in. I'd be a bit scared though because I tried so hard in everythin' that I do and I'm not ashamed to say that when someone doesn't like it and they comment on it in a bad, negative way, kind of affects me coz I'm only human. And I'm just a bit frightened that wouldn't it go down very well but one thing that I would do is make it cost effective but not only that, just make the quality good, coz if it's got my name on it, I wanted it to be good".

"I can clearly state that I wouldn't get the word Brat really big because I do have lots of tattoos. When I'm older, I can kind of you know, explain these (tattoos). But when I'm 50 years old and I'm tryin' to explain to my children why I have Brat? And you know the music industry have move on from now, it's gonna be difficult to explain that to them. But I have so many different ideas that I wanna get".

"When I was on the X factor in the UK, Simon Cowell would always call me a brat. I was a bit of a brat, I stomp my feet and I scream and shout for what I wanted and what I believe in. Sometimes, not necessarily in the right way. I do admit my fault".

"My fans are fearless and that's what I love about 'em. They'll just go for somethin'. They'll just get in their heads like, this is what I want and I'm gonna go get it and I'd like to think that I'm similar to them but also did my part in influencin' that to them".

"I've learned a lot about myself and what I like to do other than pleasing others. At the beginnin' of my career, I did things to please others and I did things because I thought people would definitely like what I was doin'. But now, I'm kinda in this wave length (wavy) for thinkin', okay people might not necessarily love this but I'm  gonna do it for me, because I feel that this is my vibe right now, and that's basically how I transitioned".

"I live in a very small town, everyone knew everyone, which kinda prepared me for what I go through today. Nothing's a secret, everything's out in the open but it was fun, you know, I had a lot of friends and I went to school with all my friends".

"I don't really know who discovered it (my singing talent), I know that I enjoyed doin' it, and I got a really good feelin' from it".

"Let's just say science was a difficult lesson for me. It was a Bunsen burner. I'll just say that I was never allowed to go near the Bunsen burner again".

"Of course, you know, people have regrets. But, I don't necessarily feel that it's somethin' that I'd like go back and correct. I know, it kinda sound like cheesy but I won't be here today. But I think, the one thing that I'd go back and change is, you know losing loved ones. You know, if you could go back and erase that part and still have them here, then of course you'd do it. But of course, everythin' happens for a reason and I feel like God takes the best ones".

"Obviously a superstar singer, which many people (realist) told me was completely out of the question. But I had many different ideas as a child on how I wanted to work on a Zoo".

"I think it's the way you raise a dog, coz if you say Rottweiler, people necessarily think, Oh no. It's the way you bring them up".

"I'm always been very keen on experimentin' but I wanted to tap on the singin' a bit more, so I think I've done that".

"I think of it as a joke (rapping), yeah a complete joke. No honestly, in some of my songs I rap about Mr. Bean, it's just crazy stuff. I'm not a gangster rapper, I'm really not".

"The thing bein' an artist and havin' your music out 2 years ago and knowin' how many times you've gone on stage and perform the same song over and over again, sometimes, you connect these different experiences with your song and it's really weird and you just go through so many things, yeah it just got stuck to the song".

"I think many people don't understand how much goes into writin' and recordin' one song".

"Can I just say, the thing with the blue hair, although it was cool for a second, it was an absolute nightmare with my bedding, towels, everywhere (shower). I'd literally be blue. It was dye, it would fade and just be all constantly comin' out, like if I got it wet at all, like if it was rainin', I have blue come down my face and it's not attractive. I feel like people were starin' at me more so, than they normally do. The older generation".

"I think from my experiences growin' up, I feel that when your mother says don't do somethin', it is definitely for a good reason. And just a little tip for you, if you agree with your mother always and do as she says, she'll be a lot more lenient in the long run. Yes I did (listen to my mom), no honestly I did. And you know, as the years went on, she'd be a lot more lenient, she'd be like, okay I respect the fact that you have listened to what I have said and when I got to 16, she was like, okay so you've been askin' me if you want a tattoo, I'm glad you haven't gone behind my back and I'm gonna take it. But you still have to do what she says, you don't just say YES, OKAY, and then not do it, you have to do it".

"I wish I was taller coz it would help a lot (my modeling career). I'm 5 foot nothin'".

"I went through a stage wearin' trainers which is snickers and really baggy, baggy trousers and this little crop tops and I did think I was a little gangster. I honestly believed that I was a little G. As I got a little bit older, I thought, do you know what, this isn't for me and I just wanna be a bit more sophisticated, a bit more grown up".

"It was very difficult, because you know, when you're on a T.V. show, and you don't really understand what's goin' on around you and theirs clothes flyin' everywhere and there's so many different people. And people are dressin' you 5 seconds before you have to go on stage. I have no time, no (look in the mirror) I just wanted to sing. And I was more concerned about the fact whether, you know, I'd get my routine right, stuff like that and then, when I used to look back on the pictures I'd be like Wow. It kills me to see old pictures of myself. Coz I'm like, that is a completely different girl".

"I love pictures, I just got a thing with collectin' photographs and stuff like that".

"I'm very lucky to have someone propose me in the first place coz I'm a nightmare, absolute nightmare".

"Do you know what, I maybe 18 but I feel like a 30 year old, do you know what I mean? I'm a bit too old for them (One Direction)".

"Let me address this, I was in the same competition as them (One Direction) right? Very well done for doin' really well. But do you think I'm gonna go on a tour with someone that I was in competition with? Seriously, I wanna aim higher than that, c'mon, I'm tryin'! The thing with me, I don't sugar coat Shh...Do you know what I mean? I don't. I'm very truthful, I think you already learn about me".

"Bein' in America is a very big deal for me, and I feel like everyone should have their chance. So when people always ask me about One Direction, I always think, do you ask them about me?"

"Why would everyone love that, no. Just give them a reason to bring 'em up really, I thought it was my time?"

"I don't do dates, I find them very awkward. Yeah, I've never really had a date, I just found my fiancé and we're just normal people".

"There's lots of things, I'm just tryin' to pick one that's appropriate. I run like a weirdo. I wish I could run in a straight line. I wish that I was better at, stickin' to the same hand writin', sayin' hello to people. I just wish that I was better at everything".

"I'm just gonna be very honest, I've only had one job in my whole life and I got fired on the first day. And we won't talk about that coz it very much hurts my feelings. But apparently, I'm a Pop Star now, so, it's all good".

"When you sing live, you cannot expect any artist, except to the amazin' Beyoncé or Gaga to get it right everytime".

"I like fashion. I like to wear whatever I wanna wear and what I feel comfortable in. I don't wanna fit in, it's borin'".

"I don't have a favorite tattoo, I like all of my tattoos and I don't think I'll regret any of 'em. I know people say like, what about when you're old and you're covered in tattoos? So what?"

"Some of the things that you read (on the internet) are like so far out there. So, I've got a little sister and her name is Sophie and she's lovely, so I took a picture with her and I posted it on my Twitter or somethin' and someone wrote an article sayin' that, that was my girlfriend. And my sister's like 15 years old and she's like, 'Mum, mum, there's...there's somethin' online sayin that me and Cher are goin out'. Like what is up with that?"

"Simon Cowell and L.A. Reid coz they're my bosses, well not really, coz they just let me do what I want. They'd be the people to like bail me out of jail and stuff".

"Do you know what, I was fine before, at what I did, how I behaved, how I respect myself, so I feel like there's nothing that's needs to be change, do you know what I mean? I don't have to change myself just because I'm in the spotlight, I ain't gonna do that for nobody. I'm me, take as I am or not at all".

"I would like to be a police officer, I know that seems weird. But I think I would have been alright as a police officer or something like a Zookeeper, but then again, I don't like all the animals".

"I rap on some of my tracks but really, I'm a singer. I don't take the rap thing too seriously. (I rap) coz I just found it's funny. It's funny to me. So for me to do it, is just seems really funny. It's not like fast talkin'".

"The audition (X factor UK) was a very enjoyable experience for me. I lined up, in a line like thousands of people. I wanted to leave that day because I'm very impatient and my mum told me to stay. So I went on stage and I did it, I got through".

"There's three auditions before you actually do the audition. So to have to wait and do that first audition and stay for the rest of the day, to the next one and the next one, is crazy".

"I really don't talk to him (Simon Cowell) anymore, I mean, I left his label like a year and a half ago and I got my record deal here (US). I don't think so (his angry). I wouldn't say angry, I would like to think that, he misses me now".

"I think he (Simon Cowell) found me, I wouldn't say disobedient. (Difficult), a little bit yeah. Because I have this specific thing that  I am reachin' for, so I have my own idea of how I'm gonna get it. I mean you know, we all have this specific thing in life that we wanna get to, and I don't very well with, you know, people havin' (Control Freaks), yeah I don't deal with that".

"My goal is to, you know, not reach crazy success. It's more like, bein' happy with the success but sustainin' it, keepin' it there. I think that's probably the toughest thing you know. Because you can be all successful and it all drops away. I think it's more about keepin' it there, for me. I'm not asking to be a superstar, I think it would be really nice".

"I mean, in a way that I wanted to sing, I didn't want the drama around it. I didn't want the million dances in the stage with me. I may not havin' the freedom to express myself. It was certain things like that, that I couldn't control. (The format) it would get in my way in doin' exactly what I wanted to do. I was 16 at that time, so I was crazy then. I mean I have a better understandin' for everythin' now. You know, I understand that I cannot always get what I want. But, there's certain ways to achieve at least a little bit of it".

"I think the most difficult part about it(crossing the pond, UK-US) is stickin' to it. You know, I'm so far away from home, that, that's not home anymore, it's becomin' a really strange thing for me. I think I've been here for like a year and a half and it's like, you have to be here to do it. You know, I can't be in the UK and tryin' make my songs get on radio from the UK, I have to be here. I think sometimes, that's why I feel that others maybe haven't got what they wanted from the US it's because they haven't been here".

"Simon (Cowell) called me a brat. I was his number 1 brat and I was difficult to work with and he really enjoyed it. I think he enjoyed the challenge of me. That's why my fans are now brats. I wouldn't say I'm a brat, I'm very passionate but I'm not a brat".

"I don't feel like I am now (difficult to deal with) I think I now, have a different insight into, you know, exactly what I want and I need. I'm not so aggressive".

"I don't think they(her parents) quite understand it and I try to explain to 'em. I think the hardest thing bein' in my position and my parents bein' so far away is that, tryin' to explain to them that I don't have a minute in the day".

"The thing with me, although I'm 20, I am not a party person and I'd much rather sit down in a quiet environment and have a conversation with someone than to be so loud that you can't hear a thing and some may call that borin' but I just, that's not my scene. I really hate the party scene".

“No I don’t (have a cellphone) coz data roaming cost a lot and do you know what, I’m not prepared for the phone company to steal all of my money. I share a phone with my fiancé. We share a phone for the U.S., but it’s been confirmed that I’m getting’ a cellphone! It’s a big moment. It’s been like over a year that I haven’t had a phone”.

 “I hate textin’, I hate bein’ on the phone. I hate phone calls. Seriously, my manager really understands me when I say this, when I’m on the phone, I’ll go ‘YUP… YUP… YEAH, ALRIGHT THEN, I GOTTA GO. SEE YOU, BYE’. I hate bein’ on the phone, I love to talk. I love to talk with people, not down a phone and plus, it’s meant to be bad for you as well. I think you meant to hold it a certain distance away from your ear. I just don’t like bein’ on the phone, I don’t like it”.

 “I’ve done my fair share of nodding and smiling. It’s now time to express what I want and my opinion. Whereas, maybe beforehand, I hadn’t earned my first strike, I didn’t earn the right to say, ‘Well actually I don’t want that’. So now, I’m more to the point where I can be more experimental and actually have a conversation with the guys in suits who allow me to do what I ask for”.

“I feel like I am bein’ taken a lot more seriously because I feel like I’ve been educated a lot more into exactly what I’m tryin’ to achieve and it’s taking me a while, it really has and I was kinda dumb to it before”.

“I honestly think as an artist and I’m just speakin’ for me right now. I don’t think we ever, ever learn enough. I mean, I’m gonna keep on learnin’. I’m gonna pick things every single day, you know. Today, for example, I picked up on a few things and made a mental note to myself. You know just different things that I need to be better at”.

“I think, I need to be better at just bein’ very open and not worryin’ too much about what every single person thinks about me. Because, I know I’m not gonna please everyone”.

“I think, I hate to say this, it’s like the cheesiest phrase... in this day and age, everythin’ is so much more about image, you know, and popularity, than it is about music and that’s kinda upsettin’ to me, coz I had this conversation, it must’ve been week ago with my fiancé, I was sort of like, what is my end goal? What am I in this for? You know, have I lost sight of it? Do I know what I want? And I honestly think, the whole pressure of lookin’ good and bein’ popular is taking over so much and it’s made me sit back and think, do you know what, I’m not gonna let it get the better of me. Coz you know, I’m not your typical cookie cutter perfect popstar and I never will be. I’m very outspoken, I say things sometimes that I should get a punch in the face for, I really should. But, hey it’s me, and I shouldn’t have to change!”

“I think sometimes in situations where I want to do so well and I want to please people and I need them to like me. I tend to sent to myself so much that it sucks the personality out of me. So now, I have to go back and find myself again”.

“I think earlier in my career, I was so outspoken that it was grinch worthy, you know, to the point where I look back and I think, so okay I’m still the person at heart but I think I’m a little more clever with it now”.

“It’s so difficult right now, I think right now is the time where, you know, you’re in it or not. If you’re not, you can’t come back, right and that’s really scary. Now I know, that I’ve got a sort of fan base that will back me whatever happens”.

 “I think they’re(Brats) out in full force right now and that makes me really happy. That makes me want to come back, you know get out there and see the fans and interact and do things like this (radio tours). I mean, if it wasn’t for the fans, I wouldn’t be doin’ it, you know. I think that’s what keeps me goin’ and the other thing is they accept me for who I am. They don’t accept me for the fact that I got my **** out and I got my **** out for the crowd”.

“I would like to just say somethin’ on that note, I feel like my fans are slightly cooler. I think, my fans are the type of fans that are probably like, ‘YEAH WE’RE INTO IT BUT WE’RE NOT GONNA MAKE TOO MUCH NOISE’, you know, a bit cooler, laid back like, ‘YEAH WE’RE INTO THIS. WE’RE GONNA SING BUT WE’RE NOT GONNA SCREAM, EVERYTHING’S GONNA BE COOL’. I will be able to see who my fans are, even by what they’re wearin’. Like I have this thing with my fans. They don’t do overboard, which is somethin’ that I always try and the advice that I try and give to them, I don’t try too hard. Try to be cool about it and that’s why I always know is they’re my fan or not”.

“I lack a lot of confidence in song writin’ because I’m an artist I’m not a song writer. But actually I can go over that again and say, do you know what, I am a song writer because I can do it”.

“I’ve never been a headliner for a U.S. Tour before. I wanna say, it was daunting. It was daunting for me because I didn’t know how many people would turn up to see me and I didn’t know whether it was what people necessarily expected from me”.

“Oh no, I am definitely not the right person for a group. I think I’m far too selfish. Not in that way of like, ‘No I want this and I want that’. It’s more like, I have a vision for what I want and a vision of how it’s meant to go and I feel like, if it was me and four other girls then I’ll just be scrapping with them every 5 seconds. I’m very independent”.

“This next record(Sorry I’m Late Album) I felt like, I didn’t want it to be full of feature artist not because I have anythin’ against other artist bein’ on my songs. It was more of like a confidence thing for me. Like I can go at it alone and I don’t necessarily need a 100 rappers on my songs to give me the push so people would play ‘em, I don’t wanna be like that”.

“I just feel now like, I need to go alone. It needs to be a thread of me, not a thread of me and a ton of other people”.

“Well, I have a pretend one. My fiancé likes to call me Cher Pocahontas Lloyd. He just thought it was funny because, do you know what, nothin’ goes with my first name. That’s why I don’t have a middle name but I feel like Pocahontas does go”.

“That would be extremely probably awkward for me. Well, I’m doin’ a lot of work at the moment and I couldn’t imagine knockin’ on someone’s door and sayin’ ‘CAN I COME IN? I’M HERE FOR THE PARTY’. I don’t think they would mind but would it not be a little like daunting for me? Yeah, I think I’d feel like a bit of an alien. I mean, I’d love to do that, to surprise someone, that would be really cool”.

“I was crazy about the Vengaboys, I was crazy about the Spice Girls. I never liked boy bands, I was all about the girl power. Just everythin’ girly and fantastic but the Vengaboys’ amazin’, I looove the Vengaboys”.

“My mum murdered the goldfish (pet as a child). Basically, she tried to clean the fish tank out but she cleaned it with bleach, so the goldfish passed away and I have never really forgive my mum for that, so I hate you mum (laugh)”.

“Looks like I’ve almost done anything so far. I mean I went on the road and met some cool people. I don’t think there’s much left that I really like to do”.

 “In the UK, I shot a music video to a song that wasn’t even a single. Made no sense, but it was a strange location, it was kinda dirty like it was underground and you couldn’t see anythin’ but it was fun. But I won’t be doin’ that again, I hope not anyway”.

"Maybe I could’ve gone like on a reality T.V. show and became famous but that wasn’t always the aim, I don’t care about bein’ famous, I care about music. So, I’d probably would have passed CD’s out and did the stuff that I was already doin’ previous to X Factor, I would’v etry to myself a career”.

 “My proudest (accomplishment) would be goin’ platinum with Want U Back, yeah I’m gonna hang that on my wall”.

 “I don’t really have a favorite brand (clothing) because you can still look cool without brands, you don’t need brands. So I just wear what I can find in the pile of clothes that are always shove on my floor. I’m messy”.

 “I’d like to collaborate with Nikki Minaj but she’s super, super famous so, I’m not sure whether she’d want to. But maybe, if everyone spreads the word then she’d might be like, ‘OH, MAYBE I SHOULD COZ ALL OF THESE PEOPLE ARE PRESSURIN’ ME INTO DOING IT’”.

 “I was never really good at anythin’ else to be quite honest, so singin’ was the way to go for me”.

“I would’ve tried to get a job even though sometimes that’s really difficult coz I did try and no one wanted to take me on but that’s okay. To all the people that won’t give me a job back then (funny face, sticking tongue out)”.

“Well, basically there was this boy and he did somethin’ really naughty, kinda hated him and I wondered why I ended up in that position where I was so silly to be with this boy”.

“What would I wanna do (before I die)? I probably would like to have my own T.V. show, to actually run the whole thing and be like, ‘THIS IS WHAT’S GONNA HAPPEN, THIS IS HOW IT’S GOING DOWN’, and then like live T.V. its gets me excited, so I wanna do that before I die”.

“It would be brace yourselves coz get ready for  a very, very bumpy ride but it’s gonna be the time of your life and remember to make good impression because first impressions count. Make sure your family actually think you can sing before you’d go on. Coz you should be able to trust your family’s opinion and you don’t wanna end up bein’ a laughin’stalk”.

“I’d to give her the advice, actually, I won’t give her any advice it’s because I am what I am today. So, I think I did reasonably well. I haven’t gone to jail or anythin’. I’m doin’ good”.

“My ideal day is absolutely doin’ nothin’ and collectin’ a bunch of junk foods that is completely bad for you and sittin’ there and watchin’ dvd’s all day”.

“And the answer to that is NO. I intend to stay very true to myself, it doesn’t matter if I’ve got red hair, blue hair, green hair whatever. I’m still Cher and I will be Cher forever”.

“My overall goal is to have many, many, many songs out. Songs that did extremely well and fans that will grow with me. The fans that I have now, I want them to stay with me and when I’m 30 I want them to be 30 and thinkin’ I’ve been with her from day 1 and for people to enjoy my success with me”.

“I just went onstage with the one and only Taylor Swift. I think it went amazingly. Just a bit crazy coz I’m the silly British girl that came to America and I just performed with Taylor Swift. I can’t wait to show my mum. My mum needs to see this actually”.

“My family, my team, I have a great team, and it doesn’t mean beautiful as in LOOKS, that means they want what’s best for me and also my fiancé as well”.

“I just say, SHUT UP. Who are they to kinda of give me advice? Yeah I’m 18 years old but, I bet you have been through a whole lot more than what they could imagine or even than they have been through. I’ve met 30 year olds that act like 12 year olds. Do you what I’m sayin’? It happens”.

“The first time I got (tattooed) was this one (musical note on her left hand). I got it done when I was 16, that’s kinda young for your first tattoo. It was either that or a piercin’, and my mum did not want me to have a piercin’, she'd rather get me a tattoo, which doesn't make sense to me at all, but I was very happy with that and she came in and sat with me when I had it done. I got it done in a school lunch time, how funny is that. That's amazin', I love my mum".

"The food, I'm gonna be a bit upset when I go back to the UK to find that there aren't so many take aways that I can get. I'm bein' serious, like in the UK you can pick like for three things, there's Chinese, Indian or Pizza, that's it and over here, you can pick whatever you want. You could literally say somethin' and you could have it there like for 10 minutes. It's incredible, there's nothin' more I ever want than that coz I don't cook, I never cook. I don't think I cooked once since I lived in my house. That's really bad isn't it? I don't care".

"I like it and I don't like it. (What don't you like?) that it isn't home. It's not home but it's full of pretty people, really pretty people and very polite".

"I can't make friends you know, can't make friends. I'm just never around you know. It's so very difficult for me to make a friend".

"Do you know what, sometimes I'm a bit unhappy, I am pissed off".

“I knew I wanted to be a singer when my mum and dad bought me this karaoke machine for Christmas and I just adored it so much and I sung on it and I just felt great. I was like 7 or 8 but I was brought up to be a realist too. I was always told to get a plan B”.

 “I get to back every so often (in UK) but the problem is, you know my parents live 3 hours away from London. So, when I’m workin’ in London I can’t just drive 3 hours and take tim out to go out there. So, it’s really painful when I go back and I can’t see them. I’m in the same country but I can’t see you”.

 “I walked into a salon one day and he (Craig, her fiancé) kindly  took me out for a cigarette away from paparazzi and that’s how it all began”.

“Some may think that I don’t feel it”.

 “He (L.A. Reid) does know a lot and I think sometimes when we battle things out, of course he’s right. I mean, he’s been doin’ this, how long? I’m 20 years old, I don’t know everythin’ and I can’t act like I know everythin’, so sometimes I have to be like, OKAY”.
“When I was 16, it was quite funny though because all the kids in my high school are getting’ pregnant and mum said, ‘HEY, WELL YOU’RE NOT HAVIN’ A KID YOU CAN GO GET A TATTOO’”.

“Because, one, I’m in control of it and no one can tell me what I can or cannot put on my skin, I love that, really love it. And two, I feel like, it is a style thing for me. I’m gonna be honest, I love the way that they look. And three, I feel like there are certain things that have happened to me so far that I have art on me that kind of explains it but you can’t”.

“I wrote a song called Goodnight, about my Dad and I’m really proud of it coz it’s very open, very honest and I felt like an artist, the real artist you know”.

“As a kid every single night my Dad would kiss me goodnight, without a fail and I would never go up to bed and go to sleep without you know, goin’ over to his chair and havin’ him kiss me goodnight. It’s just a childhood memory for me. When I left home, that all stop and it felt weird”.

"It’s up to an individual to choose when they want to get a tattoo – and if you’re under the age – you should discuss it with your parents like I did".

"At the time the tattoo artist said to me that people wouldn’t employ me because I had a tattoo on my hand, but I still did it, because I had this crazy thought in my head that I wasn’t going to do anything but be a performer anyway".

“I remember growing up my uncle always had birds, and I thought that it would be interesting to do something different other than getting his name tattooed on me. I thought there was something special about leaving the cage door open and having the bird fly out the other side.”

But despite having a load of tattoos herself, Cher Lloyd doesn't reckon that getting one is something to rush into and instead is pretty careful to make sure each of her inkings really mean something before she takes the plunge.

“I think my most fantastic moment was goin’ back on X factor perform one of my songs. They brought me back and I sung my own song and it just felt like I'd accomplish something. You know, I was one of those contestants and I went back and did my own thing".

"The best thing about being a celebrity?...What's the best thing?...I hate to be called a celebrity. I just dislike to be called a celebrity because I don't see myself as that".

"The one thing I can't live without?---HAPPINESS".

“You know, it’s quite weird because I kinda wanna do it again. Like I wanna be back in it which is kinda weird. What I mean by, I wanna be back, I see all the contestants and I see they’re havin’ such a good time and I just wanna be doin’ that again. I miss bein’ a contestant, I really miss it”.

“I think the time in which I’ve been, off  X factor, I’ve grown up a lot. I’ve learned a few tricks and everythin’ works now, well not everythin’ coz I still got to learn. I’ve become a lot happier, a lot calmer. Just because I know that I’ve got what I’ve always wanted but I can also do a lot better”.

"I think I’m gonna enjoy perfomin’ in front of Louis(Walsh, judge of X factor UK). It just be nice to see his reaction and maybe I will wink at him”.

“I’m not gonna lie, I’m very nervous, just because this my like comeback. This is me, hopefully showin’ everyone I progress, I got my own material now. It’s nerve wrackin’ and it’s gonna be so weird standin’ next to Dermot  (O’Leary, presentor) without hopin’ that I’m gonna get through to the next round”.

“This performance is gonna be a lot different to anyone’s ever seen before. I think it’s a different side of me, you know everyone’s so used to me pullin’ horrible faces you know, always growlin’ everyone. The angry Cher is gone”.

“Things happen for a reason, the single goin’ to number 1 was perfect for me. It made me very happy to be able to shut people up”.

“Do you know what, I like to look at negativity as a good thing, you know the things that people say that I’m not too good, I like to see it and think, OKAY THIS GIVES ME THE OPPORTUNITY TO PROVE ALL THIS PEOPLE WRONG’, so I’d go away a little while and I come back with somethin’ amazin’ and it sort to shut ‘em up, for a little while anyway”.

“Do you know what, without fans,  wouldn’t be anythin’. You know, I wouldn’t get to perform, I wouldn’t get to do these amazin’ video shoot and photo shoots you know. So I do it for the fans, it’s simple. My little family of people that I’ve always got there and that’ll never change, hopefully”.

“Yes, I would’ve still carried on. I’d probably would’ve tried even harder to make it. I’d probably took my CD around to all the record labels, but that didn’t happen, so it’s okay now”.

“There was a song that I wish I had written, probably be, something by the Spice Girls coz they were really, really good in their time, the songs are really, really good with the Spice up your Life”.

“The best moment for me on the X Factor was, probably getting through the Judges Houses because I knew that I wasn’t gonna go through and it was a big shock (getting through), a really good shock”.

“I quite like spiders and I’m interested in non-living things (ghost), I think they excite me a lot. I’d love to see a ghost or to hear a strange voice, that would be really cool and spiders, I don’t even mind they crawl at me coz I quite like the feel of it. I’m a weirdo”.

"I think it’s really important when applying ink to your skin that’s gonna last forever for it to mean something I mean there’s not much point for me to do them all over my body for it to last a lifetime and the look at it and think, we’ll why did I do that, and I feel like tattoos have kinda got a bad rep and I feel really strongly that they shouldn’t; I mean it’s up to an individual to do what they want to their body but me personally I just feel like, every tattoo that I have has a meaning, and I’m happy to have them, I have no regrets".

"But the one thing that I would say, just because I know I have such a young fan base, is first of all, you need to be old enough to get a tattoo and talk to someone about it and figure out whether it’s a good idea to do that and understand that it’s gonna be there forever, and if it means something to you, I say go ahead and do it".

"It’s really difficult for young people at the moment I think there’s so many different opinions out there, and certain ways to look, and that’s really been my message from day one, and it will always be my message, just be who you wanna be".

"It was kinda of surreal really, I couldn’t believe that I had been invited, I couldn’t believe that she loved the song so much, and it was so nice to have that opportunity to be in front of so many people, I mean I’m on my tour right now, the crowd isn’t as big as Taylor’s crowd and it was just so amazing to experience that for three minutes I really appreciate that, I can’t really thank her enough".

"She(Taylor Swift) really did do something that made me feel really, really good, so I’m really grateful to her for letting me have that opportunity. The crowd seemed to really enjoy it and she really did get them out there, and when I came out I really felt the crowd warming to me".

"She’s(Taylor Swift) a very powerful artist, she really is, and she really knows how to treat her fans right and that’s something also that I really respect about her, is that she really understands her fans and she loves them and hopefully my fans feel the same way about me, because this is what it’s all about, it’s about, making people happy and when you see them happy about the art that you are giving out".

"On this next album I didn’t want it to be taken over by features but in saying that I’m not gonna say that there’s gonna be no features because obviously I have the new single with T.I. this album is more about, people who understand exactly who I am, and as I said I got some songs that you can cry too, and some that you can dance so much that your feet hurt, I’m not gonna say that there are features, but I’m working on a few things right now, so it’s very exciting".

"That was me being very open and honest, a lot of girls wish for that and I do too and I’m not afraid to say it, I mean ok I do wish I had that but in saying that I don’t think I’m gonna change who I am because I want that you know, I’m ok, I’m ok with how I am, I have days where I’m like ‘Oh’ I really gotta look cuter today, and I’m not feeling too happy about the way I look, but every girl has those days the song is about being open and honest and really getting my message out there".

"It’s going to be very different It’s going to be a different experience for my fans, they’re going to get to hear some brand new songs, that I have never, ever performed before, and have never, ever been heard before either, you know there’s a lot of ups and downs throughout the set you know, there’s going to be some songs that you could easily cry to and some songs that you could dance so much that your feet hurt, so it’s a very, very unique set list I really hope and I think that people are gonna thoroughly enjoy themselves".

"I’m going to do a little acoustic set and what I wanted from this tour was to have it feel intimate and to have it feel like the fans were so close to me that they can almost touch me. And that’s really what I wanted for this tour and I think it’s much nicer to involve everyone and make the atmosphere feel really good".

"It was nerve wracking for me, coz I sung for her. They invited me to sing for her and I had to sing one of her songs you know, I did E.T. I have to literally learn the song while I'm gettin' ready".

"I had the crazy thought in my head that I thought I was gonna like loose all the lyrics, they're gonna go and you can't do that when you're singin' in front of Katy Perry, like that would be awful".

"I literally do not get any sleep. I sleep on a bus and we drive to the next city overnight and then I wake up in a place and I'm like, 'I DON'T KNOW WHERE I AM. I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOIN'".

"Do you know what's really terrible, I obviously know where I am, but if I get up on stage I'm like, 'OH NO WHERE AM I? DO NOT SAY THE WRONG PLACE. LIKE IF YOU SAY THE WRONG PLACE, THAT'S TERRIBLE'.

"It(her hair) changes a lot, I think it was a couple of days ago that I grew hair. My hair is about this short and it just grew, like overnight. Well I can't tell my secret coz then everyone would wanna get that product then there'll be no use for extensions".

"I miss it(UK) so much and I'm goin' back real soon. I need to see my family, I feel like I'm bein' a bit mean. I sort of just like left the UK and of course you've got Skype and Face Time and you can do that sort of stuff but it's not the same you know, sit down and have a cup of tea with your mum".

1. The No-Nonsense Way- You just say, I don't wanna be in this anymore, I've had enough, please leave me alone and then dust it off.
2. Text or Email- I wouldn't recommend it myself but do it by text or email. It's very, very quick and you don't have to chat a lot. It's just done.
3. The Meet-Up- Meet with him, talk about it and say why you're doin' it coz then they know for the next time he won't do it to someone like he did with you.
4. Grab Spray Paint- Grab some spray paint, go to their house and basically, write it over the whole house, YOU ARE DUMPED, BYE BYE.
5. Get A Bunch Of Girls- Get a bunch of girls together, in my case it would be my Brats, my fans and go to his place where he's at with all his friends and if he's done somethin' really really bad, call him out in front of everyone and makin' him really embarrass  and then it's over in a nice way.

“Okay, so I was walkin’ through a mall and I went into Victoria Secret and I was a bit embarrassed when I get into underwear shops. You know, it’s underwear and stuff and my song came on, yeah and I went a bit crazy and started goin’ around and tellin’ people it was my song, I was like, ‘THIS IS MY SONG, THIS IS MY SONG’”.

“The thing about bein’ in the US is that, I have a blank canvass at the moment, you know, I can walk down the street and like, no one even recognizes me and it’s really great but I really like that to change. I really like it if people stop me and be like, ‘WHOAH, YOU’RE THE GIRL OFF THE T.V. WITH THE MUSIC VIDEO AND THE SONG ON THE RADIO’”.

“I’m quite an honest person. I’ve had one kind-of-hit right? I’ve had ‘Want U Back’. No, come on, let’s not beat around the bush”.


“I would love to have people’s respect. That’s the one thing I work for, it’s not to get a Number 1. It’s not to have the best Music Video. It’s more about havin’ people randomly say, ‘HEY, DID YOU HEAR THAT CHER LLOYD CHICK’S NEW SONG? I THINK IT’S REALLY COOL’, that’s what I really want. Just that and I will be very, very happy”.

“I’m staying on hotels ad it’s not nice. I’d rather be home where my mum does my washing”.

“People keep meeting me and saying I sound like a farmer, like ‘OOOOH AARGH’. Hopefully the accent’s disappearing because I’m spending so much time in London”.

"I tried to be outspoken as possible so people take my music seriously. You have to be in your face and not care. It's all part of my stage presence".

"I'm still rough and ready. I still have my mum, my dad, brother and sisters I reckon my mum and dad will never leave Malvern. They are in the same council house, nothing has changed".

"I'm not your average celebrity".

ENGAGED TOO YOUNG, 18 years old:
"People are negative no matter what you do. People are always going to say, 'SHE'S TOO YOUNG'".

"I'm from a Gypsy background! I'm meant to be married by now. But I'm happy, really happy. I love him (Craig, fiancé) to pieces more than anything in the world, but I don't want people to take that away from me".

“The message behind the song(I Wish) is basically that I have many insecurities and I just honestly feel like I’ve never met anyone and will not meet anyone that is 100 percent happy but I think my main message, is for you to be able to understand and embrace the fact that nobody’s perfect but to be happy at the same time and not let that overwrite the fact that you need happiness in life and you shouldn’t be worrying about that your boobs aren’t big enough or your butt is big enough, get on with it”.

“I honestly think it’s very honest and open. It took me a long time to understand that it’s okay to open up and not to keep this wall between me and everyone else because obviously bein’ in the public eye, you can embrace it or shut everthin’ off and that’s what I did before. But it created a weird sheen around me and who I really was. The next record is just about me, bein’ me and lettin’ people come in and lettin’ people understand me as a person and as an artist as well”.

"I hate my teeth. I hate them, i look like a complete and utter rabbit".

“I really want my teeth done. Not veneers, but I want this gap gone. It’s terrible, I look at pictures and I’m like ‘THAT WOUL’VE BEEN GREAT IF I DIDN’T LOOK SO GOOFY’”.

“I feel great. I mean, I just spent a whole bunch of money on getting my teeth fixed. I should like them and I do. I’m feelin’ really, really good about myself. I’m glad that I got done. It’s given me a lot of confidence and I really do smile a lot now. I don’t think I ever do pictures with my mouth shut”.

“I’m really happy with the work I had done. I don’t feel like, it’s so much of a major change. I had to do it for me and my self-confidence”.

“In this industry I’m in now, I mean, I have to feel happy about myself. I have to!”

"It's changed my life completely. I smile more than ever".

"I never used to smile in pictures before, and if I did it would be a tiny bit to one side because that used to be my good side. Now, I have good sides every side of my mouth".

“That person becomes your bestfriend. I become embarrassed talkin’ about it”.

“It’s very different everyday. I believe someone should be able to dress according to the mood they’re in. It shouldn’t be forced and you shouldn’t have to follow a trend. I rely on accessories. I love hats, chains and rings. If you have just an OK outfit, accessories can turn it into a WOW outfit”.

“I feel like before this point in my life I cried so much, I’d get hurt by everything, like I’d read something about myself and I cried. Or I’d see picture and I look terrible, I cried. I’d ball my eyes out, but now I don’t cry. I just feel like I got tougher skin, I need to realize I’m very lucky. I should be grateful for what I’ve got right now especially here in the States, it’s huge to me”.

“I just feel that whenever I want one, I’ll get one. I think everyone should feel that they are able to do what they want with their own body. And I’m the type of person that feels that, you know, if you want to go and do that, that’s great. And everyone has different opinions, but if you feel good about yourself, that’s all that matters”.

“My main thing is I used to have really bad acne. I started using Proactive and you can really feel it, working. I feel that has been my trick”.

“I used to get a lot of socks. But socks are handy because you can never really keep them in pairs, anyway, can you? So more new socks is great!”

“Bein’ an 18 year old girl, I keep wanting to change things! I’ve been comin’ up with crazing ideas”.

“I’ve always been like that. I don’t feel like I have to be the nice girl. There are so many pop acts out there soin’ great, but they haven’t done what I’m about to do. Twenty years from now, I want to look back and know that I did everythin’ I wanted to do instead of puttin’ on a sweet voice”.

“In school I was the quietest girl ever. I had a lot of trouble in school. Kids were mean to me. Then I thought to myself, ‘I’M NOT GOING TO BE THE GIRL IN THE CORNER ANYMORE’, and if that means bein’ feisty and in people’s faces, I’m goin’ to do that. I don’t want people picking on me anymore”.

“There’s a song called ‘Grow Up’ that I relate to a lot because it’s about not wanting to grow up. I still want to be childish. I still want to have fun and mess around”.

"I was a signing and it was going great. Then this guys walks over with a plastic bag. Inside the bag was a goldfish. A fish, in a bag. He just put it down the table in front of me and walked away, it was the weirdest thing. Don't worry though, i sent the fish to a good home. I don't know if he's still alive, but one of my security guards put him in a pond. I think i named it a grandma name---Berel or something. Another time at a meet and greet, a girl just came over to me and pinched my arm. Hard. I think she was doing it to see if i was real".

"I was very disruptive and mischievous. I like gettin' myself into trouble and makin' people laugh! I was the class clown. I'd always be the first person sent out of the classroom for bein' naughty".

"I would have liked to be a midwife. I love babies and i love the whole emotional journey of birth. I've watched a lot of documentaries, I'm really intrigued by the whole process. It's amazing what a woman's body can do. I'm so glad to be a woman---we're so much better than boys and we can do so much more. When you think what our bodies can do, it's incredible---we actually make babies!"

"I think happiness is the key. If you're happy, everything seems so much better. You could have a large zit on your face but if you're happy, you hardly notice it. Right now, I'm very happy. I feel very fulfilled with what I'm doin'. I'm extremely grateful for everything that's happened to me. On the other hand, I mad eit happen. I'm not one of those people who just says 'I'M SO LUCKY', I've worked, bloomin' hard to get where I am! But life's good".

"I was a loner, i didn't have any friends. You know the crazy kid in school that just walks around in the playground on their own and doesn't want any friends? Coz i was all about the music. I would actually go home and would sing on my karaoke machine and my mum would make me cheese and onion sandwiches".

"I think it's a big shock that I've actually done something with my voice, coz you know, I wasn't actually gonna go to that audition that day. When I first went to that show on the X-Factor in the UK, I didn't exactly know what I was lettin' myself into".

"I like to take risk coz I feel like that's the kind of person I am. I like to experiment a lot and that's why I'd go and do things that sometimes very wrong. It's the fact of life, not everything is gonna go perfectly and sometimes you don't end up with the thing that you wanted to get. But I think, it makes it a lot better. Probably like the two mistakes that i make, the thing that I do right is really, really good. So, it's a thumbs up all around".

"I found out that I could rap, when I was messin' around. I literally doin' it as a joke, I would sat at my computer like every single day, findin' these little verses that people have done like for free styles and I'd copy, doin' all my hands and stuff like that and then I just thought, I might take a little shot at it. If people don't like it they can say and if they do, I'll carry on i suppose. Either way I was gonna carry on, anyway. I enjoy it".

"My method for writin' a song?----I don't know. If I'm grumpy, I'll write like a grumpy song. Well, shoutin' at people in it. But if I’m in a quiet like a sad mood, I can write a ballad. I don’t think you actually have to be in particular mood to write. Not for me anyway. And if it’s rubbish, you can bend it and start again”.

“People assume that I’m a very aggressive person. People got to know me a little bit then they could assume that. But I don’t think they will coz I am not aggressive. I’m actually alright”.

“I think, gossip is great, I really do. Because it puts a little bit of joy into everyone’s life, and I’m not gonna say that I hate the things that people say about me, it amuses me, so it’s gonna amuse everyone else. Think it’s hilarious”.

“My fans know everythin’ about me and that’s why they are the best fans. I will argue that until the day I die. My fans are the best. I will stand my ground; this is where I get aggressive!”

“My personal style changes a lot. I am picky with what I wear I think. But I’m not for all the high end designer labels. I mean, they’re great but I want my fans to be able to wear what I wear”.

“I think tattoos, is like art work, it expresses a lot and that’s why I have them”.

“I like people who are successful for the right reasons and people that are very motivated”.

“There are many artist that I admire, whether they wanna do a song with me, I don’t know. Maybe if they hear who I am or somethin’. Maybe they’ll come and do a song with little old Cher”.

“I don’t have a clue what’s next for me. Anything could be lurking around the corner, I really don’t know but I hope it’s good coz I have worked very hard and it will just be lovely if anything came out of it”.

“He (Simon Cowell) calls me trouble because he doesn’t set me any rules coz he knows I will break them. We have this thing going on. I think Simon’s a tad scared. Well, it’s quite strange coz I’m 4 foot nothin’ and he just lets me do what I wanna do”.

“It would be my worst nightmare if people show up (on her wedding). I’m not that type of girl, I like my privacy. Everyone knows everything about me constantly. I want this day to be private”.

“I’ve been alright because I’m stubborn. I won’t be pushed to feel that I owe my privacy to people. They can sod off! You can go take a wee without people watching you. I want to go to the loo(restroom)  and not be filmed”.

“What I wear goes in my mood. When I’m tired and want to be snuggly, I wear a hoodie and jeans. All of us have those days when we feel a bit groggy. If I wake up in a really good mood, I’ll take that big leap and wear a mini-dress, a really short one”.

“I see myself in a massive mansion—no, just joking! I see myself with multiple albums. I see myself growing into a person I can be very proud of. I want to accomplish a lot of different things, I want to be a force. Ten years is a good amount of time to do that. I started three years ago, so in 10 years I should be well on my way. Unless, that is, I do something dumb and ruin it all. But I don’t think I will. I’ve got my head screwed on straight”.

“Yeah , I don’t deal well with that. We all have specific thing in life that we want to get to and I don’t deal very well with people having (control of me).

“I know I've got fans and people really care about me, but why can't people just give me a bit of space? I’m not your average celebrity. I’m not a celebrity. I never ever will be. I’m not someone to get out of a cab with my drawers on show. I’m here to make music. I am a businesswoman. I’m in this to make a good life for myself”.

“I was very stubborn back then. I put up a guard an didn’t want anyone come near me. I was overwhelmed by the amount of people who showed interest in me. So I was a bitch, a real bitch. Knowing what I know now, I would’ve dealt with situations a lot more calmer”.

"It's taken me all this time to actually sit back and realize, one, i have to enjoy myself, and two, I have to make music that is so very true to me. And I'm so happy that, you know, I found that strength and ability to be able to make an album be so me".

“I was just so angry and frustrated that people had taken my life off of me, even though I have gone on the show. I went through absolute stress and mayhem. I couldn’t go out because people were constantly on my back all the time. I just felt like i was doing something i loved, but there was another part of it that I absolutely hated".

"There was no way I can stick up for myself, because I know I did wrong. I didn't commit a crime or anything, but I did something wrong. I was a total brat. It's good to have attitude, but I see my attitude as passion now instead of just anger".

"Do you know what, I feel like I might as well say it, because it feels like no one else has the balls to say it. We're known as public property, but just because we're singers and this is what we've dreamed of soing forever, it doesn't mean you can knock us to the ground and treat us s**t. We're real people. We're no different to you or other people, except we're doing what we love. And believe me, it's hard work".

"I'm happy, really happy. I love him to pieces, more than anything in the world but i don't want people to take that away from me. It's just a constant criticizing; 'OH, SHE SHOULD BE DOING THAT, SHE SHOULD BE DOING THIS', I'm 18 years old. I know I've got my whole life ahead of me but why not get hitched now?"

"People are negative no matter what you do. People are always going to say, 'SHE'S TOO YOUNG (to marry)'. I'm from a Gypsy background! I'm meant to be married by now".

"Sometimes I want to shout at people. I don't want to crush anyone's dreams, but if you're going to a show like that, be prepared for a bumpy ride".

"I realized, I wasn't that person to begin with, so why did I turn into that person?"

"This is the last time I'm ever going to talk to anyone about my love life, because I just feel like people are getting chunks out of me. I don't feel like me anymore. I just feel like a stupid cardboard cut-out".

“I must get at least ten tweets a day sayin’ that I’m a ‘DIRTY PIKEY’. I think they know it’s gonna get me or because they know they can”.

“There’s been many times were I’ve cried myself to sleep. I’m very scared and I have never ever said that because I like to think that people think I’m strong, because if they don’t, then they might not think I can do it, but I am in some ways. I think some days I wish that people would leave me alone for a bit and for there to be a hole to suck me in”.

"I never thought that I could talk to anyone about it because I didn't feel I needed to. I thought I'd be strong enough to get through on my own. I think that's the worst thing you can do".

"I think, I would be a lot happier. I'd be protected a lot more. A few comments to a young girl, that's all it takes".

"Everyone's got a bit of brat in them, they just don't admit it. And to be a brat, you have to be very passionate about, us as a family. You need to---you just need to be there, to collect more people and just be a good community".

"I haven't been home to the UK in so long that I forgotten how we meant to speak and stuff".

"I would like to be an astronaut, I'd like to work in a zoo. Do you know what, I feel like as much as I can cram into my life, which I don't know how long my life's gonna be but I hope it's a long time, unless a freak accident happens. But I do want to do a lots of things, you know, I am a singer and I do music videos and stuff, but I'd like to do more".

"Do you know what, when you look on Google it's not always right, it's not. But I'm just sayin' that sometimes Google is bad. It tells lies about me! Horrible lies!"

"Definitely not, but I don't encourage you to get one. Actually, I do encourage you slightly, if you're the age of 18. And the other reason for this is because you only have so much space on your body, now, you don't wanna go gettin' a teardrop on your eye if you really want a star, do ya? Coz then you've taken up that space on  your face and then you can't do somethin' over it coz it looks silly, so what i'm sayin', is tattoos are great, wait 'till you're older and you know, you're a little bit wiser. I should've done that coz I'm not really not wise. Yeah, just wait 'till you know what you want. You don't wanna get years down the line you think, ‘OH ACTUALLY I WANTED AN ELEPHANT’, and you’ve got a peacock or somethin’”.

“Seriously, people bore me when they say stuff like that, it’s like, this is me, take it or leave it. If you don’t like it, go home”.

“I was a gymnast before, yeah I was. When I was around 8, that’s late. But I did many things, I was into ballet for a stage and then I did gym and things like that”.

“Well, I kinda had my whole thing planned out. I wanted to learn everythin’ before I went into the singing but I always knew that singing was somethin’ that I was dead set on doin’, so I thought, ‘MAYBE I SHOULD LEARN HOW TO DANCE. DO A BIT OF ACTIN’ BE FLEXIBLE AND THEN GO FOR IT’, and that’s what I did”.

“Yeah, a massive risk but I am a big risk taker. I believe to make yourself original and to stand out from the rest of the bunch; you need to do somethin’ different, so I did that”.

“I sort of believe, everythin’ that I do I wanna have fun because I’m 18 years old and in 20 years time I wanna look back on and be like, I HAD THE BEST TIME EVER. Even if I don’t make it to the point where
I wanna be or even if I do! I just wanna look back and think, ‘I DID MY BEST. I DIDN’T FOLLOW EVERY SINGLE INSTRUCTION, BUT I’M HAPPY’.

“I love it when there’s a crowd out there and you don’t know whether they gonna like you or they‘re gonna hate everythin’ that you do, that excites me. It’s like bein’ on the line where you’re like, ‘I COULD REALLY, REALLY DO WELL RIGHT NOW OR I COULD FAIL MISERABLY’, and that’s what makes me so excited about music. And I love to have that difference and I don’t believe that I should be loved and liked by everyone. I feel like everyone should have their own opinion on me”.

“That always happens within life, any situation, you think you’re nearly there and then BAM! Something comes along and it stops you in your track. That is my life story right there”.

“I work very strangely, I like to beat the last thing that I did but I am not out to be the best. I’m not gonna do that to myself, I’m not gonna be like, ‘RIGHT IN THE YEARS TIME, I WANNA BE LIKE BEYONCE’, that’s not gonna work for me, come on. You know, I’m bein’ realistic about this. I always think to myself, ‘YOU KNOW, I WANNA BE SUCCESSFUL BUT FOR THE RIGHT REASONS, I WANNA BE HAPPY’”.

“That is the funniest thing I’ve ever heard in New York, seriously I love that. But d’you know what, the strange thing is, in Worcestershire, we don’t have a lot of Worcestershire sauce, it’s crazy. Like you never see it, it’s everywhere but not in Worcestershire”.

“No, it doesn’t offend me at all. I really like it because when I have someone who does it so badly, that makes me smile”.

“I understood that sometimes I can be a little crazy, you know, and I pull these strange faces and I’d look back and I’m like, ‘WOW, I LOOK NUTS’”. They just come out and I just think that one day think, maybe when I get older they’ll just fade away, hopefully, like the funny faces just stop one day”.

“When I’m angry, and I’d try to make out that I’m not angry or if I’m a bit upset, apparently, I can’t stop it. I can’t stop someone from not seeing that I’m not angry. Like I’m doin’ this (frown face) but really, no, I’m smilin’”.

“D’you know this whole music business, it’s hard, it’s really hard. I mean, wow…Like, I get up at stupid o’clock in the mornin’, I don’t ever go home. I haven’t seen the UK, God knows how long and I do miss me dogs and I think if I added one more job, uh I’d be on me bap”.

“People can’t expect from me, because if I don’t wanna do something, I just don’t  do it. I won’t deal with that being expected to do stuff oh no, I mean, I sing, you know, this is what I do and this is somethin’ that I’m contracted to do coz I got a record deal, ain’t I? And that’s how I get me songs on the radio. So, this is somethin’ that I definitely wanna do but that’s not to say that I’m never gonna act”.

“What makes me laugh is that, I love my fans so much but they don’t have to rush me. Seriously, it’s like, I’m on a single at the moment, you know, I’m on With Ur Love and now they want the next album, it’s like I got it recorded first”.

“I feel like I’m a bit grown up now. I mean, I’m still a bit silly, I’ll always be silly”.

“This is one of those questions that make me think, what am I doin’? What am I doin’ in my life right now? What sort of world are we livin’ in? Um… I don’t like cats coz I don’t like cats and I’ve got nothin’ against them. They’ve never done anythin’ to me, I just prefer dogs”.

“Some days I wake up and sometime I feel like change and I feel like change is really good. It’s good for your energy. Because I get so bored with the way that I looked, like the whole brown hair with curls in it, all the tattoos. Then, I look in the mirror and I’m like, ‘I JUST DON’T SEEM TO BE CHANGIN’AND I WANTED JUST EXPERIMENT’, I just wanna keep it a little bit fresh and I know it’s crazy and I know some people are gonna be like, ‘OH WHY DID SHE DO THAT? OH LOOKS SO DREADFUL! LOOK AT IT, IT’S SO BRIGHT’, But then again, it’s like, ‘WHATEVER’, like I’m young, I’m still 19. I think like right now I feel like, I may get away with it. Old people might just think I’m insane and wanna lock me up. But either way, I’m cool”.

“I’m one of those people that if something goes wrong, I don’t think about things goin’ wrong, I just deal with them when they approach me”.

“Okay, I’m about to stomp this question out right now, this is the last time I’ll ever answer this one. Um…I’ve always been a dreamer, you know, and I’ve always had a wild imagination, but I’ve come to terms with the fact that, I’m never ever ever in a million years gonna ever get a super power, so what is the point in me wanting one or dreamin' of one? It's not gonna happen, is it, to be honest? You know, there's just some things in life that you don't---Well, you know, I just wish we all knew what we knew and stop thinking about things that aren't there, d'you know what i mean? Coz it gets so confusing for me, you know, but i don't want a super power, not at all. Coz then I'll have responsibility wouldn't I? Coz everyone wanna see me super power and then I'd have another job. Exactly, I'll never get to go home, would I?"

"I listen to a lot of music, I like everythin'. I like country, hardcore hip hop, you know, with all the swearin' in it. Well I do. I like so much music, I think I take a little somethin’ from everythin’ that I listen to. You know, mathematically, how everythin’ structured, I won’t bore you with that”.

“I honestly cannot give you an answer but to say that, the person I’m with right now (Craig, fiancé) an I’ll always be with. I know that sounded super cheesy and he’s probably be like, ‘OH, YOU DID NOT SAY THAT’, but that’s the truth. I found it, you know, I’ve never been this happier, with my career, with my life in general, with my crazy hair”.

“I did a red (hair) a couple of years ago and I also shaved the side off, um, I think if I pushed too far and do somethin’ like this, I kinda just pull it back a little bit, you know, be normal for a few months and then just BAM! Another crazy color from the rainbow”.

“Yeah, I think sometimes I can be confident and on it. Then other times I get too nervous and I start to stutter and things like that. But when I was younger, I used to sing all the time but I didn’t use to sing in front of people, so now it’s like I’m it all over again except there’s lots of people”.

“The thing I love about it is that, we’re formin’ a group. As a kid growin’ up, I was never within a group. I was always the strange girl in the corner. So now, it’s nice to be able to include people”.

"No I haven't really heard from her, which is a shame, you know because we were quite close on the show. But, you know, things happen. It was a TV show and I don't expect people to have keep in contact with me".

"Sometimes, you get really run down and you don't feel at your best. If you're happy within, it shows on the outside"

“I think it has two meanings. It’s been a long time since I’ve actually done anything, but for me it’s as a person. I mean, I’ve spent a whole lot of time trying to figure out who I am and I think, and I think everybody goes through that”.

"Although I'm a popstar, don't have a lot of friends, pretty sad, ain't it? I worked so much that I don't have the opportunity to make friends".

"Although I'm a popstar, don't have a lot of friends, pretty sad, ain't it? I worked so much that I don't have the opportunity to make friends".

"I was a knob, I was a pure knob. I did feel like the hawk and I felt like I can take on absolutely everyone and they wouldn't beat me. Probably I was 14".

"Now and again I sit back and think, 'OH WHAT DID I DO AS A KID? LIKE WHAT DID I SPEND MY TIME AS A TEEN DOIN'?', you know, maybe I didn't do all the crazy things that young people do, go out, poster play, you know they go out at night and they all dressed up as a group of girls and go out and party and drink. I didn't do any of that! But I think I'm happy for the fact that I have worked so hard bein' so young because it means I make it to retire quick".

"I have a strong passion for ladies giving birth. I just wanna have a look! But that is an amazing job I suppose, ain't it? You bring new life into the world".

“I feel like I really found happiness, doin’ my music stuff. It started off in the UK and things are going great but then I got a massive opportunity to come to the US and of course I’m gonna take it. It a much larger audience”.

“My X factor days, I was in absolute nightmare and I think I have left a bit of a sour tastes in some people’s mouths, but I was 16 then, I’m 20 now!”

"When I look now, back on the person I was before, I'm disappointed".

"The problem is, because I haven't been in the UK for such a long time, people haven't seen me grow up to be the person I am today and they haven't seen that complete change of a person. I've got a massive urge to go back to the UK and just be like, 'I'M SO SORRY FOR BEIN' SUCH A PILLOCK AND PLEASE LET ME GIVE YOU MY MUSIC ON A SERIOUS LEVEL AND MAKE YOUR OPINION ON ME THEN'".

"On the first album, I had acquired a lot of young fans while I was on the X factor so everything had to stay, you know (pulls face to imply straight and clean). But now, on the second album, I've grown up a lot and I can't talk about a some of the subjects that I used to talk about because I've grown up and it just doesn't relate to me. so I feel like, the second album is a lot more grown up and some it's quite heart-touching and I think many people will think I wasn't into that".

"I wanted to show to people what I could actually do. Although I love all the rappy stuff and messing around lyrically, it's just good to have a little cry".

"Right now, No, I'm preparin'. And it will be controlled by me. I make the rules. I'm very borin', I think my rules are, 'IS BUSINESS'. A little bit of fun but the way I look at it is that we are on a mission to please my fans and if you're messing that up, you get the sack and you're never comin' back because you've hurt my feelings and you've hurt my fans".

"That's the crazy thing about rumors is that half the time, they're not true".

"That's another thing for people on my bus is that, if they don't like McDonald's and they don't like Wendy's and they don't like PF Changs (an American Chinese Food Chain) then, they should get off the bus or they'll get a carrot and shut up!"

"I never have. I've been extremely lucky. I may have flashed my bum, just a little bit of cheek. I looked back on pictures and I think, 'WOW'. Too much cheek there put it away. I don't plan to make a career of me bum cheek".

"What, the nip? No, because I wear a bra".

"I don't live my life plannin', so I wouldn't know. As long as I am living and well and I travel and do my work, I could live in a tent in someone's back garden! Couldn't I? I'd still be doin' my s**t".

"Aside from family, I don't know. There's lots of things I miss, even drivin' through London and seein' all the beautiful places, I just miss it so much I feel like such a foreigner when I'm here (US), I'm so foreign. Just because, I talked weird to everyone else. I get bored with my own voice".

"But it's very different when I sing because I think I sound like an American when I sing unless I do the British accent on my songs".

"It has to be my first single coz if it's not I'm gonna be shouting in a lot of people and a possible tantrum. There's not many of those, I don't do it all the time but only when needed and I don't get my own way, I just shout, I just say, 'OH I'M LEAVIN', I'M GETTIN' ON THE FLIGHT AND I'M GOIN' BACK HOME. DEAL WITH IT'. If I don't get the song I want, then I'm not just gonna be and here and it's not like you can get another Cher to come and do it. Not another Cher Lloyd. There's another Cher and she's fabulous but I don't think she's into  my stuff".

"I come over to the States and I have now the name of Polly Pocket. I know, I don't grow. I'm never gonna grow, this is it for me".

“The best moment of my career so far was definitely standing on the ‘Today’ show and being given my platinum disc for ‘Want U Back’. ‘Want U Back’ did so good in the U.S. and it’s kind of given my hope that I could possibly do well".

"There's not that much difference because my fans in all, wherever they maybe, wherever it be like America, UK, Spain, they're that crazy as each other because they're my fans. Of course they're gonna be mad, it's gonna be insane, yeah it's pretty similar".

"Seriously, I do not know one brand to the next. I don't mind where I shop as long as I make it me. You know, if I customize it, rip it up, whatever as long as it looks like me. Yeah, I don't really mind where I shop and I think it's good to be original, I think vintage is cool too".

"I think a few times I wanted to sneeze so I do this face like this (pulls face like holding her breath) and then I see pictures of me and I'm like, 'WHAT, I OBVIOUSLY NEED TO SNEEZE', but I can't sneeze on stage and like what if like you got a booger, what do you do?"

"I'm not scared and try new things out but I'm probably not gonna be an opera singer anytime soon. Just throwin' that out there".

"It was crazy, I could not hear a thing, literally. All I could hear is like what is in my head, you know when you hum, like you can hear it? That's what I could hear for myself. But I had the best time ever and like it was crazy and there were people in the front row that literally know all the words to all my songs. I was excited".

"You have to watch out with me because I might like step on stage and be really nervous and like you might think that it's gonna be a tad borin' and then I hit you like BAM! and then it all goes crazy and I flick my hair, I go crazy and I might stop and speak for a little bit and just have a chat with you and yeah, it's just craziness. It's all about live, pure live music".

“So I wrote this song a good few months ago now. It was a very proud moment for me coz I didn’t actually realize that I could write a song on my own. It’s one of those songs that I will never tell anyone what it’s all about. It is about something so personal and I just feel a bit strange about explainin’ the exact details and I think it would be a huge big deal if I spoke about it so I’d rather just keep it in and just sing about it”.

“I think that, that’s the beauty of writin’ a song, I mean, you don’t have to explain what it’s about, I think it’s up to the listener to create their own idea of what’s the song’s about”.

“I’d like to do something very, very normal, something that I don’t get to do a lot and that’s probably go out shoppin’. Just have a normal, relax day, that would be nice”.

“I like to stay on my pj’s all day, eat a lot of junk food and watch really bad day time TV”.

“It was daunting for me because I’d never actually experience acting, you know, and it was the type of acting that was very over the top, it’s for kids TV so it was difficult for me”.

"The thing is I auditioned when I was 14 (X factor) but I went on singing country. I love country music but it just didn't work and they were like, 'NO YOU'RE REALLY YOUNG AND IT'S NOT JUST THE RIGHT THING FOR YOU', then I went back when I was 16 and I got into like, yeah the top 5".

"I think people forget, it's been about 3 years since I was on a TV show and you know, I've learned a lot. I've been doin' lots of things".

"To be honest I worked very hard and things like this (being famous) don't come without working very hard so I'm very grateful for it. But I just know that my fans are very passionate and that's why they turn up in the thousands coz they wanna support me, coz they wann let me know that I'm doin' a good job".

"My privacy. I miss bein' able to swear. I just miss bein' able to do what I wanna do. I miss not havin' a schedule, to work off of everyday. I miss not bein' able to like, just do normal things and just be a normal person, but you  know, this life comes with a price. Some people don't really realize that ou know, it's all glitz and glam. Half the time it really isn't. Sleepin' in hotel rooms that you've got a house back home that you can't live in".

"Well, when I'm in the booth I feel very lonely because I'm not in the band, I'm solo and I just get lonely when they're fiddlin' around with everythin' that they need to do. I just stood there and I just starts then, 'DOES IT SOUND A HELICOPTER?' and I did the noise. Very  random, I wasn't told to say it, I just said it"

"Well, since I've been over here (US) you know, I just respect the way you guys speak. So I thought, I need to fit in, I need to make people understand. I'm just trying to fit in with you guys".

"My accent sort of changes because where I originally from, they sound like farmers. But then I moved to Essex and now I've got a little bit of like London twang. So, it's farmer mix with Londoner".

“Yeah, well some of them, not all of them. I don’t think they (grandparents) quite understand what I do. They just think that I got some music videos out and I’m on the radio. That’s about it”.

“I don’t know, because they just see me as me”.

“Fly with normal people, yeah, I’m not an alien”.

 “Sometimes it is a bit rough and people don’t know your circumstance and you’ll still gonna go out and impress everyone. It’s tough”.

“It is a nice time o be normal (Christmas season), like just havin’ people around you that know you and you don’t have o be a popstar”.

“I can’t even open a window on my own. I can’t open a can on my own”.

“Oh yeah, that is like I’ve never ever won an arm wrestling competition in my life”.

“Everytime I listen to Demi Lovato’s Skyscraper, even thinkin’ about it I like cry. I don’t know what it is, I just think that it’s a beautiful song and she sings it very beautifully”.

“I’m not actually that demandin’, the only thing I ask for is pack of Doritos, some chocolate, some redbull, and like Dr. Pepper and that’s like it which is not very surprisin’ coz people know that I do like a lot of junk food”.

“Now that’s a perfect question to help me find a way to get into my fans brains to ask them, why they throw a bra on stage? I have plenty of bras, I’m not in need of a bra, I’m fine. Actually, quite physically I don’t need a bra. I pick the bras up because I have no shame. Well, there some things that I’m embarrass about but I find that really funny. So, I pick it up and wave it around and say, 'WHY DID YOU DO THAT?’ and then put it down. It’s very difficult for me because when I’m performin’ I’m constantly watchin’ what people are chucking on stage because I don’t wanna lose an eye. I don’t want a scar on my face, I already got one up here (right side, forehead) and that’s a nightmare. I just don’t really wanna fall on my face. So, I appreciate it when people don’t chuck things but now that I said that, people are probably gonna chuck more”.

“My biggest fear, is to go through live and not be remembered. I’d like to be remembered for something great if possible. Yeah, that’s it for my hardwork to just be forgotten about”.

“I feel like with country music, there’s a certain aspect of it that’s sounds more like a story and you know, every country song has meaning to it and there’s a purpose why it was written and I just find that inspiring as a writer and an artist. You know just bein able to listen to stuff like that and get inspiration from it, is great”.

“That was the whole point, to make people involve and that’s what I intend to do with my music, to make everyone feel like that’s their song”.

“Grow Up, is a song for me that I can really relate to and I still do now because I feel like although it’s been 2 years which isn’t that long, that I have to grow up a little bit to actually be good at what I do but there’s still a part of me that’s still young and fun. You know, I’m not a total bore, I’m still lively and stuff. I hope to like that for like, ever”.

“I know how to shop you know, I get some bargains, I really do”.

“If there’s a mall nearby, I normally try and get in there. I do like forever 21, cheap and cheerful, it’s really good. I’ve always have this thing where I like to wear stuff that isn’t majorly designer. I just like shoppin’ for myself in cool shops. I’m not really into, you know, Louis Vuitton and all that. I don’t know, I’m rough and ready me, I don’t care”.

“I’m kinda terrible for online shoppin’ because I tend to go on sites like Amazon and buy stupid things. I don’t know, like if I see an egg cup or just somethin’ for the kitchen, I buy it. Oh, I’m fascinated by the little things”.

“The other thing that I picked up on, is the fact that when I say, ‘YOU ALRIGHT?’ people think I’m crazy but all I’m doin’ is asking you if you’re alright. Like in meet and greet and stuff. Like if I go, ‘YOU ALRIGHT?’, ‘YEAH, YEAH, YEAH, I’M FINE’. Like I’m sayin like, ‘OH MY GOD YOU NEED HELP’, I’m not sayin’ that, I’m askin’ you, if you’re okay. Now and again, I have to think to myself, maybe I should just say, ‘HI YOU OKAY?’ instead of, ‘YOU ALRIGHT?’ Yeah, it freaks people out. Well, I freak people out, really”.

“I don’t have plans, I don’t make plans. Everything goes the way it wants to go. As long as I put the hardwork and effort into it, then it should turn out wonderful.  But, I’m not gonna say, I’m gonna do this, this and this, coz plans we make every single day don’t work out, do they?”

“I’d say my nan (grandmother). I don’t really look up to your typical celebs for inspiration. I think, just a strong woman, yeah, that inspires me a lot”.

“I definitely know who I am now. I’m a lot stronger and I get to go to different places and make music and be on stage. It’s brilliant”.

“I have gained a lot of friends and by friends I mean my fans and just people who are able to just come with me throughout my career and be happy and sing the songs back to me. I think it’s made me more of a happier person”.

“To be quite honest with you, I’ve never been interested in it (Olympic games). I think, I don’t know, I’m not really into the whole long jumpin’, runnin’ and gymnastics”.

"I feel that it's sometimes better that you don't win because sometimes you're not tied down to contracts and when you can do things and if you can get out of it. You know I was quite lucky finishing fourth coz I was able to go the next day and go straight to a recording studio and that's what I did".

"I feel more at ease in the US, I really do. I feel that I've been given a clean slate, you know, not many people knew who I was and then I was able to come over and be myself, you know, make the music that I want to make, without havin' the baggage left from things that they've seen on the TV show and all the media and stuff like that so, I'm able to just come over and do what I wanna do".

"I need to be happy! Happiness, I am always searching for happiness in whatever the situation maybe as long as I'm happy, so everything's good, everything's flowin' nicely".

"I wish to be home for a good amount of time so I could spend it with people I love. I've been in America for a very long time and although I love it very much, I also miss my home country".

"It's crazy that the amount of passion that the fans do have, you know, I'll tweet that I'm goin' somewhere. I turn up and there's lots of people standin' outside and it's like, WOW, I ONLY TWEETED THAT LIKE 2 SECONDS AGO AND THEY'RE ALREADY HERE. But, it's great. It's gives people an opportunity to come see me and for me to see them".

"That was a very polarizing song for me in the UK. It got some criticism, which was not so good. It's one of those songs that you love to hate because it is catchy. it's kinda like the way Carly Rae song is, you know, it's very, I hate to say it, OVERPLAYED. But it's one of those songs that you listen to and  you can't help sing along and it annoys you. And that's why people are like, 'UGH I HATE THAT SONG".

"I'd do stupid things. I was a brat. It was my cry for help because no one was listening. Teachers dust it under the carpet. It was always my fault. That's because of my gypsy background".

“Let go of what people think and be true to who you are.”

I'll always update this blog for more recent quotes...visit this page anytime soon. Thank you.

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